Thursday, June 19, 2008

Reflections on the trip so far, 18 June 2008

I’m typing this on the flight from Boston to San Francisco. First time to fly Jet Blue and I have to say I’m really impressed! I must have paid the extra $10 for “even more” leg room. 38” worth. It’s wonderful. It also puts you on the front of the plane which I like. Fast and efficient service and DirectTV with satellite radio. Listening to the 70’s channel now of course. Gerry Rafferty’s “Baker Street” right now. Reminds me of my senior year in high school. The line “Another year and you’ll be happy, just one more year and you’ll be happy, but your crying, you’re crying now.” Came out in ’79 and summed up my senior year. Hated being in Tennessee and couldn’t wait to graduate and get out.

Those sentiments certainly don’t describe my life right now though. I’m happier than I’ve ever been and having a great time on my vacation. The future is bright with lots of options and new adventures to look forward to. So exciting.

I’m rested and relaxed even though I’ve been running around like a crazy woman. It’s been great though. For those of you who have read “Eat, Pray, Love” I’ve decided I’m doing my own version. The first 3 1/2 weeks is my eating phase. Boy have I been doing that! I think I’ve had ice cream (Ben and Jerry’s of course with the exception of one day of Cold Stone on the Freedom Trail....mmmm) every day since I left San Diego. I gorged myself on cheese in Nashville with my fellow Wisconsin born and raised mother, seafood in Boston with the only woman on the planet that loves seafood more than I, my oldest and best friend Vanessa, and potatoes almost everywhere I’ve gone. New Zealand soil lacks a few minerals for growing good potatoes so I’ve been deprived for 6 years.

I’m actually doing things a little differently than the author of “Eat, Pray, Love” did in that I’m combining my eating phase with my love phase. It was really important for me to spend time with those people in my life that mean the most to me. Real, quality time and I’m so pleased I did.

My dinner with Caroline was short but oh so important to re-establish the connection after leaving Brad. Caroline is more like a mother to me than a mother-in-law and I truly hope we can remain friends post Brad. After all, Brad and I are remaining close friends, Caroline and I should be able to do the same.

Kristen’s graduation was fantastic and a bit poetic (I was at her baptism). Getting to spend time with the whole Marks clan (including Vanessa’s mom and dad) and getting to know the three girls separately was awesome.

My 24 hours with Anna was so great! We haven’t spent quality time together like that since before I got married. Our conversation never stopped. It was deep and soulful and just what I needed.

My 3 days in Boston with Vanessa was a dream come true and was 20 years in the planning. We had to wait for the kids to grow up enough so they could spare her but the timing worked out perfectly for this week with the oldest 2 being at camp.
Vanessa and Matt got married shortly after Ness and I graduated from Ohio State and they had Heather right away, then Kristen, then Robyn so travel wasn’t really an option. Add to that the fact that I moved to Boston, Texas and New Zealand and they moved to Florida, back to Ohio, Massachusetts and Michigan. A few trips to see them in the early years was followed by many years of just sporadic emails and phone calls. Luckily I started dating Brad who was from Ann Arbor in ‘99; only an hour from where Matt and Vanessa have settled over the last 12 years. Our yearly trips back to see his parents included an afternoon with the Marks’ when time would allow. But the only time we’ve been alone together since we graduated from OSU in ’88 was 17 years ago during the trip to Florida when I attended Kristen’s graduation we spent a day at Epcott Center.

Friendships like Vanessa’s are so very special and I treasure her and what she’s meant to me. I really learned how to be a good friend from my friendships with both she and Lisa, the third in our triumvirate during college. Unfortunately we’ve both lost track of Lisa but luckily we’ve kept track of each other and these last 3 days we picked up like no time had passed. We’re both a bit older and we’ve lived very different lives but love each other like sisters. It was easy and did we have fun!!!

Addendum from my hotel, the San Francisco Marriott, 19 June 2008

My friend Sandi picked me up from the airport.  I haven't seen Sandi since my wedding and haven't spent any time with her really since I left Dallas in 1997.  She and I got together with Brad and her old boyfriend a few times in Austin, but that's really it.  

Sandi is definitely one of my most interesting friends.  Highly travelled (over 100 countries and counting she said last night), she's a recovering accountant like myself.  We met when we both became Board Members for the American Women's Society of CPA's.  She left the corporate world in '92 and has done a number of different things including owning a pet photography studio, being a web designer, making her living as a public speaker and an author.  She is a regular contributor to Intuit's newsletter, for all of you geeks out there.  Oh, and she's one of a handful of women to have co-piloted a single engine plane around the world.  

She's now moved to San Jose with her new boyfriend and seems to be having the time of her life.  She should be, she's a happiness consultant!  Check out her's really interesting.

She and I had a great visit and started several conversations that need to be continued.  Who knows maybe we can do something together professionally.  We're certainly on the same page about a number of things.

1 comment:

Jeff Stoffel said...

Hi Kim, looking at your photos and hearing of your travels makes me very happy for you. I really enjoyed working with you at Wealth I felt very fortunate.