Joseph bought her a beautiful eggless chocolate cake from the Southern Star and Robbie (one of the world's nicest men and Joseph's newest guest from San Francisco) and I bought her flowers. We went down at 4:30 when she was teaching the locals. It was awesome! She was so pleased. Several other students brought her flowers as well and by the time we left (after trying the cake) the stage was filling up rapidly with her gifts.
The other sweet is the outpouring of generosity by the students towards Bek's family. There has been a memorial set up where his coconut truck used to be. Many donations are being collected and many students are stopping to say prayers. Thomas at Santosha is also preparing another vegetarian feast tonight for a fund raiser dinner for Bek's family. Matt Corigliano is planning to lead whoever wants to go with him to Bek's house on Monday to present the money to the family.
There are a few other things happening memorial wise as well. Apparently Sharath is going to do a prayer for him at conference on Sunday and on Tuesday Matt is taking a few of us to a place on the river where there are several temples and they do pujas for the dead. We'd been talking about going there for the last month. It seems the time is right now.
The big sweet for me is that Sharath suggested that I learn a specific type of pranayama for my asthma so I got instruction on that and have been practicing it. I don't know if it's that or what but since I've been doing pranayama my meditations and my savasanas have been awesome! The other day I felt like I was floating even before I laid down to go into savasana.
The other sweet for me is that I was finally back in the shala today after missing 3 days for "ladies holiday." Good practice. Nice, even breath, lots of strength and flexibility. Fell out of headstand though. I was really confident going into it and I think I got cocky. Got up right away and went right over. At least I had the presence of mind to flatten my hands so I didn't squash my nuckles like I did the first time. Couldn't get back up so Sharath came over and held my legs for the rest of the 15 counts. (I thought I'd gotten past this! :( ) Then he put me into the 1/2 bend which about killed me. After enough whimpering he finally let me go. My last goal before I leave Mysore is to get up and stay up in headstand for his full 15 counts!
Funny week this one. After 3 days out I finally went back today and tomorrow is rest, then another led class Sunday, Monday moon day and then the rest of the week. I'm missing next week's led class on Sunday too for a trip out of town.
I decided to have a lazy Mysore Friday today. I've been doing too much running around and needed a day of rest. I had a leaving breakfast for Laura from San Francisco this morning (bought some killer pants from her that she's just designed which I can't wait to wear). After my 2 1/2 hour breakfast I wandered over to the salon across from the shala and had a manicure, pedicure, hair trim, brow shape and a great facial...all for $19 US.
Now it's time for some reading before I head over to Santosha. I also think I'll try the Kirtan at the Rama Krishna Ashram this evening (if I can stay awake until 8:00)!

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