Alia’s (Om Cafe) hosted a new and I think professional Kirtanist who’s just arrived in Mysore. Ganesh played the Tablas again. Both were wonderful! I walked out of there buzzing! The night also collected donations to benefit “Operation Shanti”.
This blog started as a travel blog to chronicle my adventures spending a month in the States with those I hold near and dear, a week in Phuket and a month in India studying yoga with Guruji and Sharath. My month in India has expanded as I succumbed to her charms. I came here to immerse myself in Pattabhi Jois' Ashtanga Yoga but am drowning willingly, blissfully in Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga. I hope you enjoy reading about both my outer and inner journeys. Contact details: ks2@pobox.com
OMIGOSH, I just saw these pics!!! Awww, I miss Mike & Erin! How was the kirtan?
The Kirtan was fabulous! The crowd wasn't the most into it, but I'm sure with Mike hosting a few more they will be. :)
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