Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Breaking News...I bound in Supta Kurmasana by myself for the first time! August 6, 2008

Best practice ever. I went very deep in my and my Janu Sirsanas and Marichyasanas and back bends (5 in total with the first three and the last two only dropping to my head and not all the way to the floor). Drop backs felt good. In fact I had time to do a few half drop back by myself before Saraswati came to help. The big news...I bound in Supta Kurmasana by myself for the first time! I was so happy I could have sung! My feet are not yet crossed but I can put my head to the floor within my feel which is pretty exciting. I also managed to get my hands all the way to my face in Gaba Pindansana for the first time. Wee ha!!!

Went to a new philosophy class downtown with Jayashree and her brother. Sorry, don't have a link but they are both very learned scholars and friends of Guruji's. She chants and he explains. Wonderul people with warm, open, loving hearts. He is starting a Transcendental Meditation class on Monday which I'm going to attend.

Got a ride on the back of Hernan's motorbike. I met him a few weeks ago with Rachel. We shared a table at Tina's cafe. He's from Spain but grew up in the UK. He owns Purple Valley in Goa. Nice guy. After class we hung out at the pool where he bought me lunch. Never really thought of Palek Paneer as pool food, but this is India. After a quick coffee (tea in my case) at Barista he headed to a massage and I to chanting with Laxmish.

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