Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The practice, October 8, 2008

One of the things that Sharath is fond of saying is that your best practices can happen on days when you don't feel like being on the mat. Days when you don't sleep the night before or that you feel like crap.

That was certainly the case yesterday. I got 2 hours of sleep the night before, slept through my alarm when I finally did fall asleep, woke up 45 minutes late and ran to the shala. I've been having a rough two weeks, feeling like I was practicing with someone else's body. Someone else's very stiff body with painful knees. But yesterday I was back to my old self. I flowed, I was focused and I went deep.

I reached the floor in Prasrita Padottanasana C. I almost dropped back by myself until I saw Saraswati coming towards me (upside down) and stood up again. She said, "you go back" but the moment had passed. And I got my headstand back. Life is good!

Today, although I slept like a champ last night was even better. Sharath dropped me back and I came within 4 inches of touching my back bend.

Tomorrow's another day! :)

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